Fishkeeper’s Program
FishKeeper’s Program
The San Diego Tropical Fish Society (SDTFS) Fishkeeper Program is a certification of expertise in maintaining aquarium fish. An individual member of the San Diego Tropical Fish Society can become a Fishkeeper Level 1 by first becoming a member of SDTFS and then achieving any one of the following:
- One point for each first place in a monthly Bowl Show
- One point for each species of fish bred in the SDTFS Breeders Program
- One point for each program presented at a meeting of SDTFS
- Working for at least one month as a paid or volunteer employee in a retail or wholesale tropical fish business. This can be done only once.
- Showing one or more tanks in the SDTFS annual November show or Annual San Diego County Fair display. One point will be awarded for each tank entered up to three points for three tanks.Each time a Fishkeeper achieves any one of the above categories the Fishkeeper will receive one point towards becoming a Level 2 Fishkeeper. By accumulating 10 points the Fishkeeper will become a Level 2 Fishkeeper. With 25 points he or she will be a Master Fishkeeper.
A certificate of recognition shall be awarded to each new level 1 Fishkeeper, to each new Level 2 Fishkeeper and to each new Master Fishkeeper. The program will begin awarding points in these categories for achievements effective January 1, 2017. A three-person committee shall be appointed by the President of SDTFS to manage this program.
To receive points members must fill out the Points Application. That application must then be signed by an SDTFS officer or board member. The Points Application can then be submitted to any one of the three Fishkeeper Committee Members.